We are currently inspecting Early Steps Nursery.
We want to give all children, parents/ carers an opportunity to share their views about the service. If you would like to share your views, then please complete and return the questions below. Please note that all feedback is treated in confidence. We appreciate you taking the time to give us your views and apologise for the short notice, but we appreciate all returns by Friday 9th December 2022 please. My email address is lucy.brown@careinspectorate.gov.scot
You can contact me by telephone or arrange a video call if you would prefer. My contact details are: Mobile: 07970278666. Email:
Section one
Please put your name and your child's name and age below.
Section two
Children's views
Please take time to ask your child what they think about the service and tell us what they say, using their words as much as possible.
What I like about the service-
Parent/Carer's views
What progress has your child made as a result of attending the service?
What do you think the service does well?
What kind of play and learning experiences does your child enjoy when at the service?
Do you feel fully involved in your child's care, including reviewing their personal plan?
(Sometimes this is called a care plan).
Are you satisfied with the snacks/ meals provided and are you consulted about what the menu will be and have your views listened to?
What would you like to see improved in the service?
How are your views sought to include you in making improvements to the service?
Is the anything else that you would like to tell us?
Kind regards
Lucy Brown
Early Years Inspector ELC6
Tel: 01786 432963
Mobile: 07970278666
National Enquiry Line : 03456009527